An embodied experience of healing and mindfulness
Sunday, November 12, 10am-5pm, Staunton, VA, private location
As cooler weather sets in & we prepare for the long journey of going within,
it’s time to shore up our reserves so we have resources to draw upon.
This time of the year is a beautiful season to finish up the last harvest,
feel gratitude for the abundance in our lives, & prepare to go within.
We shed & separate the metaphorical wheat from the chaff of life.
Darker, longer nights & less daylight means slowing down & staying inside for longer periods - literally and figuratively. Scorpio season is prime time to take a deep dive within & be present -
feel, sense, & experience all the mysteries that await discovery.
What is waiting for you to feel and remember?
Seen or unseen? Heard or unheard?
Wouldn’t it feel great to ground into true presence and honor yourself,
mind, body, and spirit?
Join us for a sacred gathering - a sensory journey - a reacquaintance to deep inner knowing.
Tune in with your mind, body, spirit, and heart center to nourish, nurture, & experience all your senses in ways you’ve not yet discovered. It is a remembering of who you truly are and feeling the magic of you! We will explore, connect, & experience what has been untapped & waiting for you.
This is an invitation to go on a sensory journey within...YOU.
This offering will be a lovely, experiential day of rejuvenation, grounded presence, sensory journeying, nourishment (nurturing of the body and soul), chakra activation, movement, aromatherapy, meditation, supportive fellowship, & so much more.
Here is some of what you can expect to experience:
- Share cacao tea and connect with the spirit of cacao
- Create a sacred space container for transformation
- Anointing ceremony with high vibe plant allies
- Energy work to clear & move stagnant energy
- Gentle movement, dance, yoga
- Sound bath with crystal bowls
- Engage your senses in beautiful luxurious ways (just wait ‘till you experience these pleasures!)
- Activate and connect with your sixth senses
- Fire circle and release & renewal ritual
- Fill your energy reserves to prepare for winter
- Comfortable safe private location as a sacred container
- Share a nutritious meal together with mindful sensory exploration
- Guided shamanic meditation journey for movement forward
- Receive a special spirit guide for support over the upcoming months
This event is designed to be a sensory journey of healing & mindfulness
within an intimate group setting for safety & connection. You’ll come away feeling grounded, uplifted, & dedicated to your own self-care rituals, along with additional tools & resources to
support you along the way. We are excited & absolutely know that we all will benefit from
this healing container. Perhaps you can already feel the energies building around this gathering.
It feels fully nourishing & nurturing.
Your experience matters to us, so space is limited.
We’ve kept the price point accessible to facilitate your participation.
Cozy, fed, relaxed, uplifted, renewed, present…
wouldn’t that feel so GOOD? We want that for you. We want to provide you with a day that will enable those feelings & sensations.
Are you feeling the call to join us in this sacred gathering?
Once Registered You Will Receive:
Immediately - a confirmation and flyer for the event
Then soon after - a short survey to help us make this day as safe and expansive as possible for you
Later - Follow up prep instructions for location, what to bring, & self care intention setting for the experience.